Virtue Specialist Hospital


Pediatric Clinic

The pediatric clinic at Virtue Specialist Hospital Ekpoma is located at 10, Uwen-Oboh Extension Street, Off Opoji Road, Ekpoma, Edo State. The clinic is open Monday to Friday from 8am to 4pm and on Saturday from 8am to 1pm.

The clinic offers a variety of pediatric services, including:

  • Well-child checks
  • Immunizations
  • Treatment of common childhood illnesses
  • Referrals to specialists

The clinic is staffed by qualified pediatricians who are experienced in caring for children of all ages. The clinic also has a team of nurses and other healthcare professionals who are dedicated to providing quality care to children.

If you are looking for a pediatric clinic in Ekpoma, Virtue Specialist Hospital is a great option. The clinic is conveniently located and offers a wide range of services. The staff is friendly and knowledgeable, and they are committed to providing quality care to children.

Here are some additional information about the pediatric clinic at Virtue Specialist Hospital:

  • The clinic accepts both private and government health insurance.
  • The clinic is wheelchair accessible.
  • The clinic has a play area for children.
  • The clinic offers a variety of educational materials for parents and caregivers.

If you have any questions about the pediatric clinic at Virtue Specialist Hospital, you can call the clinic at09055819872 .

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