Virtue Specialist Hospital


Director/CEO Speech
Virtue Specialist Hospital is a state-of-the-art facility that will provide our community with access to quality healthcare. Our team of experienced doctors and nurses is committed to.....
Our Vision
The vision of Virtue Specialist Hospital is to be a global star in specialist healthcare delivery with emphasis on mother and child’s health.
Our Mission
The mission of Virtue Specialist Hospital in Ekpoma, Edo State, Nigeria is to provide high-quality, affordable healthcare to the people of Edo State and beyond.
We Listen
Our specialists will listen to your needs and evaluate your condition from every angle to make the very best healthcare plan for you.
0Years Experience
We are staffed by a team of qualified doctorsOur skilled staff work together to provide the best care The experienced and results-driven Staff

At Virtue Specialist Hospital, we put into practice our beliefs

Conceived in the hearts of those who saw the need, Born under those influences that only the tender-hearted can give, Nurtured by those whose time is without price, and brought to fruition by those who desire to see change.

  • General & Internal medicine
  • Pediatrics, Obstetrics and gynecology
  • Surgery, Radiology, Pharmacy and Laboratory services
We ’are Expert in Pathology & Radiology ServicesVirtue Specialist Hospital is a private hospital located in Ekpoma, Edo StateVirtue Specialist Hospital was founded in 2015 by Dr. Olugbenga O. E

Dealing in all Professional MedicalServices

The hospital has a team of experienced doctors and nurses who are dedicated to providing compassionate and individualized care. The hospital also has a state-of-the-art facility that includes a fully equipped operating room, a labor and delivery suite, a radiology department, and a laboratory.

Our customer support team is here to answer your questions. Ask us anything!
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Medical Director
Dr. Olugbenga
WeCreativez WhatsApp Support
Hospital Manager