Virtue Specialist Hospital


Clinical laboratory

The clinical laboratory at Virtue Specialist Hospital in Ekpoma, Edo State, Nigeria offers a wide range of diagnostic testing services. The laboratory is staffed by experienced and qualified technicians who are committed to providing accurate and timely results.

The clinical laboratory at Virtue Specialist Hospital offers the following tests:

  • Blood tests: These tests are used to assess a patient’s overall health and to diagnose a variety of medical conditions. Some common blood tests include complete blood count (CBC), blood sugar, and cholesterol.
  • Urine tests: These tests are used to detect infections, kidney disease, and other health problems. Some common urine tests include urinalysis, urine culture, and urine pregnancy test.
  • Stool tests: These tests are used to detect infections, parasites, and other digestive problems. Some common stool tests include stool culture, stool occult blood test, and stool fat test.
  • Microbiology tests: These tests are used to identify and diagnose infections. Some common microbiology tests include blood cultures, urine cultures, and stool cultures.
  • Serology tests: These tests are used to detect the presence of antibodies to specific diseases. Some common serology tests include HIV test, hepatitis B test, and syphilis test.

To schedule an appointment with the clinical laboratory at Virtue Specialist Hospital, you can call 09055819872 . The laboratory is open from 8am to 6pm, Monday to Friday.

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